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Simple Membership

Simple Membership Plan

Join my Simple Membership plan today!

My Simple Membership plan is a great way to have access to an amazing range of my services, all in one place, and at the click of a button!

So what can you expect from my Simple Membership plan?

My Simple Membership plan offers unlimited access to:

Exclusive Zoom sessions

Downloadable resources

Exclusive online support

...and much more!

Each month I will add new and exciting resources from Q&A question time, wellness worksheets, exclusive training and videos.

Dealing with mental health can be a long road. You have to feel ready to make the big steps involved in recovery.

If you're not quite ready to purchase a bespoke therapy package, or you want to see what might work for you, my Simple Membership is the ideal place to start your journey out of the darkness. If you have already worked with me, it's a great place to keep on track and enjoy learning new tips and techniques.

Choose a pricing plan

Simple Membership

per month