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Finding your why

Are you ready to meet you?

Your life unfolds as a captivating narrative, woven with experiences, choices, and defining moments that have sculpted the person you are today. This journey of self-discovery involves recognising the stories you tell yourself about your past, present, and future, and how they mould your sense of self.

This introspective process is not just about looking back; it's an opportunity to reframe, reshape, and redefine the narratives that have guided you thus far. It's a chance to deepen your self-awareness, clarify your values, and chart a course that resonates with your true self.

Within this guide, you'll encounter a series of exercises crafted to lead you through the path of Discovering Your Narrative Identity. Each exercise serves as a stepping stone toward enhanced self-awareness, resilience, meaningful connections, and a purpose-driven existence.

Discovering your narrative identity is essentially a journey of self-understanding and empowerment. It enables you to gain insights into yourself, make conscious decisions, bolster resilience, enhance relationships, and embrace a life that mirrors your authenticity. It's a voyage toward personal growth, emotional well-being, and a profound sense of purpose.

Your narrative identity acts as a filter through which you perceive the world and your role within it. It shapes your beliefs, values, ambitions, and everyday choices. By immersing yourself in the depths of your narrative identity, you set forth on a transformative expedition of self-awareness, personal development, and empowerment.

As you venture into this exploration, bear in mind that your narrative identity is fluid, evolving, and uniquely yours. It possesses the potential to influence your present and future. By engaging with your narratives, you initiate the journey toward living a life that mirrors your authentic self, values, and dreams.

Why the woodland way?

Hey, I’m Jo👋

So I’m a Psychotherapist, but what is that and who am I?

I’m a 40-something-year-old woman, wife and mother recovering from a nervous breakdown. I live with Mental Health, I understand Mental Health and I don’t judge.

I am so passionate about helping people turn their life around, I’ve never found anything in my life I’ve ever enjoyed as much as helping people recover and move forward.

I’m Currently studying my PhD in Psychology at Uni and I use a collection of therapies to help you move forward.

I specialise in trauma and most importantly PTSD. I work with many clients and with my methods they have achieved now goals.

I don’t think that Mental Health can be treated with the general methods and that combining multiple therapies could help people recover faster.

Using my personal method I’ve had multiple positive results so far. For example -A male with PTSD, left his job in January after being signed off with PTSD, throwing up if they left the house, and nightmares, that was 7 weeks ago, he’s been in his new job for 4 weeks, still has nightmares but he recovers faster and can return to sleep.

What makes me different to other therapists? I’ve healed my own PTSD with it and I’m very open about my life and my own mental health.

Qualified in CBT, DBT, NLP, Hypnosis, dream analysis, counselling, PTSD Re-Wind and A-level Psychology, fully licenced and insured. Studying PhD

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or want to learn more about a specific therapy.


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finding your why


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