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Shadow Work Certificate of completion- for coaches

Whats covered in this course?

This add-on course is a perfect starting place for any coach wanting to use shadow work techniques in their sessions.

This Course includes audio where the Psychotherapist & Trainer Jo talks about Jungs explanation of shadows from a psychology view.

This course is not my full practitioner course and does not allow you to label yourself as a shadow practitioner, but it does teach you the fundamentals of how shadow work can benefit an individual.

You also get to use yourself as a case study but additional support is highly advised.

Why do this course

Why Do Shadow Work?

As you begin to understand your subconscious ego through shadow work, you can better overcome addictions and understand the root cause of your relational issues, among other things. 

The common purposes for shadow work are:

  • Exploring and understanding your past traumas
  • Identifying and overcoming your limiting beliefs
  • Examining patterns of behavior in your relationships

For example, let’s say you notice that you’re triggered when someone says something seemingly harmless, like, “Wow. What a bold outfit.” Maybe you start to feel your blood pressure go up and your body temperature rise, but you may not even understand the root of why this is happening. 

By going through the process of deep shadow work, you may discover that your reaction could stem from growing up and being shamed for being bold, loud, and talkative. As a result, you have since felt inferior when others point out the part of you that you have tried to subconsciously hide or reject about yourself due to shame. 

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Shadow work certificate for coaches


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